Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween is not my favorite Holiday, but we do have some fun traditions that the kids look forward to.  They include:

 Carving Pumpkins

Eating Pizza and making Rootbeer

Passing out candy. (Ashlynn does not like trick or treating!)

 Trick or Treating
Carson- Blind Referee

Analee- Stick Figure

Tyson- Scary Hot Dog
 And we can't get through the night without scaring people!!!!!
This is the mask I used to scare Todd this year.  He was so scared he actually pushed me!
It was sooooooo funny, I was laughing for hours.

We missed Braeden this year (he was working) but oh how I love my kids and the fun times we have together.  It makes me so sad to see them growing so fast and realizing that they will soon be gone :-(

1 comment:

  1. love your blogs!!!! What a wonderful cute family. Soooo excited to see you in a few weeks.
