Sunday, September 22, 2013


Ashlynn loves to help in the kitchen and she has started wanting to make things on her own!  I am great with it and want all my kids to know how to bake and cook!  She learned how to make Cake Cookies at Activity Days earlier this summer and asked if she could make them this week.  So we got out the recipe and I went over it with her then I went outside so she could do it all by herself!  She came outside and told me each and every step she was on.  She was doing great!!!  So I came in just when I thought the cookies should be about done to help her check them and the house was full of smoke.  I asked her how long they had been in the oven.  The timer hadn't even gone off yet.  So we looked closer at the oven and she showed me which buttons she pushed for the timer.  She had pushed the bake button instead of the timer button which turned the temperature up to like 600.  She was so upset, but I reminded her that thats how we learn and she still had enough mixture left to retry!  The second batch turned out great, and later in the week she made them again and they were wonderful.  Her brothers love that she made them cookies all week!
Ashlynn's burnt cookies
Much better the second go around

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014

Happy Day!  All the kids are back in school.  They are so excited.  Tyson and Carson are both at new schools this year and Analee is in 1st grade!  It's a big year for us.
Analee First Grade
Ashlynn Fifth Grade
Carson 7th Grade
Tyson Freshman
Braeden Jr 
The only two left in Elementary School
So excited to be in Jr High
The big High School Boys
I can't believe I have as many kids in High School as I do in Elementary School.  Today was my first day with all five back in school.  Todd and I went to the fair and I got a job!  Ha Ha that didn't last long!  Here's to a happy school year!