Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spirit Week

This week is Spirit Week at school.  They haven't done spirit week for a few years, so the kids have been really excited to participate.  The days were as follows:
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday- Dress for Success Day (Nice Clothes)
Thursday- Dress like a Twin Day
Friday- School Colors
Our favorite has been the Crazy Hair Day!  The kids looks great!  However Ashlynn called home about 45 minutes before school was out with a headache! As soon as she took her hair out she felt much better! And Analee kept hers in for the day and everywhere she went people were taking pictures of her! Such good memories :-)

Carson 6th grade  Ashlynn 4th grade  Analee Kindergarten

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I have really enjoyed racing the last few years.  I have tried 5k's, 10k's, half marathons, triathlons and a couple 50 mile bike races.  They are all fun in their own way.  I am registered to participate in the Little Red bike ride in Logan Utah again this year with 9 friends.  Oh boy what a party.  I am very excited and this bike is going to help me ride the 100 mile route!!!

Todd and the kids gave it to me for my birthday!  I am so excited for the weather to warm up so I can start riding.  I am one lucky girl, bring on the rides! (I say rides because I am not much of a racer, my goal is just to finish!!!)